Housing Developments in Hastings & Flaxmere.

17th March 2022, mayor Sandra Hazlehurst and the HDC CEO, Nigel Bickell, both invited Mike Donnelly and Richard Gaddum on a two hour tour of Flaxmere and Hastings to show us all the residential development that has just been completed, being in the development stage now and also areas in the process of being planned and developed for urban development for the future. Both were really most impressed.

346 new homes in Flaxmere: https://www.hastingsdc.govt.nz/flaxmere/flaxmere-homes/

Plus the Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga (TTOH) and its sister company Waingakau housing developments Ltd is underway building 120 homes in the ‘Waingakau Suburb’ in Flaxmere West. https://www.hastingsdc.govt.nz/hastings/projects/homes-for-our-people/waingakau-village/

This what is happening in Hastings: https://www.hastingsdc.govt.nz/hastings/projects/homes-for-our-people/kainga-ora/

Government assisted housing through Papakainga: https://www.hastingsdc.govt.nz/hastings/projects/homes-for-our-people/papakainga/

Another approximately 600 plus homes are planned for Flaxmere.

All this is under the umbrella of what is called "Brownfield Development", or residential development within the city residential zoned area. These developments are being done through the HDC funding program, private enterprise and Iwi Papakainga developments while utilising large sections for a much better housing yield.

The homes already built as well as those being built and are in the planning stage of construction are of a pleasing modern design that will build strong communities.


Through the skills and contacts of Nigel Bickell, the HDC has been able to tap into the Provincial Growth Fund which has been a real boost for the Hastings District. 100s of millions of dollars have come and are still to come our way which is going a long way to solving our housing crisis.

With 800 people still in motel units, this is a huge issue that desperately needs to be addressed as soon as possible to get these people into safe, secure and warm houses.

The most pleasing aspect from the Save the Plains group is that the HDC seems to be focusing on bringing in housing to within the city boundaries, rather than eating up more of our fertile soils which we all know is unsustainable and make NO economic sense.

Unfortunately we are unable to prevent Greenfield development on areas such as Lyndhurst, Howard St and Brookvale as they were consented before the Save Our Plains group was established, however we will fight to prevent any further residential expansion beyond the existing urban boundaries.

Residential areas we approve of is the Iona Rd development which will have approximately 600 sections.

We also approve of extending future residential development in the Te Awanga area. People like living near the sea, it has close proximately to Havelock North, Hastings and Napier and it is off the Heretaunga Plains.


Lunch meeting with mayor Sandra Hazlehurst.


Industrial Developments