Otago University Report on urbanisation of horticultural land.
Otago University has just done a report commissioned by Horticulture NZ which builds on a report done by Deloitte NZ 2 years ago.
The Auckland City Council wants to build more houses south of the city on prime fertile soil. This report has concluded that this would lift vegetable prices by between 43 and 58%.
This would result in a strain on the public health system at a cost of between $490ml and $610ml annually.
In the Deloitte report, between 2002 and 2016 there was a 30% reduction in vegetable growing land in NZ...
Staggering!! The rate we are going, in another 30 years, there won't be any fertile land left.........
We have got to protect our taonga.
We are the guardians of our whenua and we are not doing a good job of being responsible guardians for future generations.